The presenter travels across America from Wyoming to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to retrace the very first discoveries made by fossil hunters nearly 200 years ago. Snow reveals how the very first finds of the most amazing dinosaurs of all time were made, including the T-Rex and Diplodocus, and learns why America’s stunning Wild West is such a hot spot for dinosaur rema...
此为导演Dave Minchin指导的「海滨村落第一季」,于2019年在英国首播,是一部纪录片。本·鲁滨孙等人是这部电影的主演之一,他们的表现将给观众留下深刻记忆。「海滨村落第一季」在乐趣影院播放次数已达32920次,清楚显示了它备受欢迎,观众持续追寻着它。
Series looking at coastal villages that have often been on the front line of history.
Dillon Phillips is twelve years old, and also burdened with a father who is the Prime Minister and has just been voted "Naffest Man in Britain" by his favourite pop magazine. His dad's spin doctor interferes with everything and the slightest bit of bad behaviour may trigger an international crisis.
Teen-age gang leaders Passion and Little Sister are released from prison,only to find that their gang the Slags have disbanded due to rival gang,the Hawaiians,who wear garlands and drink Pina Coladas. The psychotic Slags regroup for a showdown with the Hawaiians at the local swimming pool but matters are complicated when Little Sister falls in love with Hawaiians leader Ricky,t...
An evil organisation that creates superpowered reanimated humans known as Proxies want to recover a flash drive contains secret data from Ashens, his neighbour Tom and a unique Proxy.
Historian Lucy Worsley and antiques expert Mark Hill uncover the stories behind remarkable antiques and how they relate to our lives today
Lucy Worsley, chief curator of the historic royal palaces, takes us through 800 years of domestic history by exploring the British home through four rooms, meeting experts and historians on the way
「CakeBakersandTroubleMakers:LucyWorsley's100YearsoftheWI」2K高质量版是导演Eleanor Scoones在2015年执导,在英国播映的备受期待的纪录片之一。这部电影的主演阵容涵盖了Lucy Worsley等重要演员。在乐趣影院上已经播放了63467场的这部电影,使得它成为了网站上备受瞩目的一环。
In celebration of the WI's centenary, Lucy Worsley goes beyond the stereotypes of jam and Jerusalem to reveal the surprisingly radical side of this Great British Institution.
Beginning on the Welsh island of Anglesey, where the WI's first meeting was held in a garden shed in 1915, Lucy discovers that its humble origins were no bar to the movement's grand ambitions. Some of the ...